1. What is In-House Finance Guarantee?
The In-House Finance Guarantee (IFG) is a non-contributory insurance that guarantees full payment of the balance of an account in case of death of the insured and upon satisfaction of the requirements for insurability. The IFG covers only natural persons aged 18 to 59 who has acquired a lot at ALSC beginning January 1, 2003. The maximum coverage is P2,000,000.00.
2. What are the requirements for moving into 
                                                                                       my new house ?
The requirements for move-in are :
               : Completion of Full Down Payment
               : Payment of Miscellaneous Fee for occupancy permit, electric and water supply
               :Issuance of Permit to Occupy after House Inspection and Acceptance
3. Is there a penalty for late payments?
Yes, a surcharge of Five Percent (5%) per month based on the amount due is charged for late payments.
However, a grace period of two (2) days after due date is given.

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